Just an update again. I'm sorrrrrrrry, I'm so busy! With preparing myself for our sugarpartyyyyyyyyyyyy next monday, because the Ramadaan is ending. And with work.. so I have to say I'm sorry that I don't post as much as I did. But things will change! When I'm back full of energy again, and can eat and all day again, I'll update my blog every day!
I lately bought some stuff at Primak, which I'll show u in one the next updates. Also yesterday, in 15 minutes I had to make a decision of what I wanted to buy at Asos.com.
It became this beautifulllllllll Trenchcoat, which I absolutely adore on the picture and catwalk. So, let's hope it fits me right and makes me look stunnin' too!

So, can't wait till I receiveeeeee him. Pray for me it fits right, will u? (A)
This is what I'm wearing for today.
What u think?